Dear Friend #7 060223

Hello Old Friend, I am reading the book “I wish I’d made you angry earlier – essays on science and scientists” by Max Perutz. I just finished one essay which is sticking with me, about Natural Laws versus the laws of man. I often find myself perplexed by how governments are organized, and especially by… Continue reading Dear Friend #7 060223

Dear Friend #5 020223

Dear Friend, Today I’m thinking about my deployment next Thursday. I am playing with how it will feel – back on the road to some forgotten part of Colorado, into the fields which feed America. We are a hungry nation. Besides the corn and soy on which I will tramp, I’ll be a small integral… Continue reading Dear Friend #5 020223

Dear Friend #4 010223

Dear friend, I thought about writing you last night, when emotions were high, when I was thinking about reaching out to you and realized that there’s probably no going back, even if you wanted me to. Do you think about me? I realize that when I start thinking much about what I’m missing in my… Continue reading Dear Friend #4 010223

Dear Friend #3 310123

Hello Friend, I hope you are doing well. It seems so many of us are feeling overburdened, burned out, or struggling this time of year. Last night I went out for dinner with another friend, and he too is feeling like this is a heavy month. Maybe February will feel lighter – I never really… Continue reading Dear Friend #3 310123

Dear Friend #2 – 300123

Dearest Friend, Today I am thinking about power. The physical property of power – using energy to do work. I think we used the lights a lot last night, and Chloe borrowed an inefficient charger for her phone, and now the batteries are at less than 10 volts (a very stressed-out battery) and the solar… Continue reading Dear Friend #2 – 300123

Dear Friend #1 280123

I have decided to attempt daily to write for 20 minutes (or more) about what’s on my mind. I’m hoping this grows, and others will write their dear friend here, too. Maybe it seems a little pathetic, but I find that when I talk with people without a filter on, they often look at me… Continue reading Dear Friend #1 280123

02 AUG 21 Deep Dive – 7AM

Let’s get meta. This morning’s theme will be thinking about thinking, through guided meditation, and talking about talking, using prompts from Restorative Practices and the Neighborhood Project. Free french-press coffee, roasted on premises will be provided. RSVP, SVP!

Categorized as Deep Dives


Come on in, we’re glad to have you. Stokequest is a hub for like-minded folk of diverse experience to get together and enjoy lifelong questing after ways to make humanity more resilient and less prone to suffering. Based on the coast of Maine, USA we host gatherings and workshops, create media, and generally create an… Continue reading Welcome

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Who or what is a quest for stoke?

Stoking fires in the sky. (Highlight from a recent Urban Explore in New York City.)

Call me Brad… it’s my name. This is the story of my journey to find and maintain my stoke, after I largely lost my enthusiasm for the life I was living. I am a self-described seeker.  This is my quest to warm hearts, spark creativity, & fuel the soul. I started StokeQuest to get more… Continue reading Who or what is a quest for stoke?